Date: Mon, 31 Oct 94 04:30:11 PST From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: List Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #1174 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Mon, 31 Oct 94 Volume 94 : Issue 1174 Today's Topics: AM AIRBAND INFO Call Sign ID Contacting the MIR. Help! Earth Ground (was: ARRL And Gay Hams Settle Complaint) exploring the internet Icom 730 pre-amp prob Looking for Mac Logging Programs NoCal OO goes after Packet BULLetins Soldering iron - how hot? Space Shuttle on HF ? Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 29 Oct 94 22:39:00 +0100 From: (MARTIN BRISCOE) Subject: AM AIRBAND INFO References: <> JR> > A friend of mine who works in search and rescue is looking for an HT JR> > can handle AM airband xmit plus FM xmit. It turns out that Search and JR> > personnel wear equipment on them and they cant be asked to have even JR> > equipment in their suits. JR> > Does anyone know of a rig that can handfle AM transmit and FM, in oth JR> > offer 118-136MHz AM plus the FM band. He needs AM to talk to the Chop JR> > personnel and FM to talk to Police etc. Here in the UK, SAR choppers talk to Mountain Rescue Teams on FM channels in or around the marine VHF band - so marine band sets can be used. --------------------------------------------------------- | Martin Briscoe | Internet: | | | Packet: GM8AOB@GB7AOB.#76.GBR.EU | | FORT WILLIAM | | | Inverness-shire | | | PH33 6UG | PGP 2.3 Key on request | --------------------------------------------------------- --- * RM 1.3 00964 * Martin Briscoe - Fort William - Inverness-shire - Scotland ------------------------------ Date: 30 Oct 1994 00:58:38 -0400 From: (Glen Johnson) Subject: Call Sign ID : When you say "XY8 Double PQ" you are "legally" implying that your callsign : is XY8DPQ instead of XY8PPQ. That's correct. Its probably technically not legal to ID that way. Back in the CB craze of the 70's, I knew a guy who was fined $50 (back when the FCC actually paid attention to CB radio) for identifying his station KKZ-0007 as "King King Zebra Triple Zero Seven" . ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Oct 1994 23:06:27 From: (William Roth) Subject: Contacting the MIR. Help! In article <> writes: >From: >Subject: Contacting the MIR. Help! >Date: 31 Oct 94 02:10:40 +0800 > Can anyone tell me the minimum requirement to work the MIR. >I am using a 7/8 lambda Diamond F-22 vertical mounted on roof. Also >using IC-22A on 145.550 MHz with 10watts output. Is this sufficient >to work the MIR? The last pass we tried was about 440km nearest. The antenna is the exact opposite of what you want. The F-22 (and all gain verticals) get their gain by concentrating the signal toward the horizon. The problem is that MIR is UP, not at the horizon! Don't feel alone, when I worked at HRO, this would happen with someone once a day at least. Try an antenna called a "Crossed Dipole". I used one for years for MIR and Sarex. It points up toward the satellites. For a good description, look in the Satellite Experimenters Handbook for it. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Oct 94 21:13:04 PST From: Subject: Earth Ground (was: ARRL And Gay Hams Settle Complaint) >I don't HAVE to tolerate anything. If I want to tolerate it, I >will, if I don't, I won't. > >You don't want people telling you what you have to do, so don't >go telling others what the have to do. In other words don't be >a hipocrit (sp?). > >This is costing me money, so I'll skip the dictionary. >===================================================== >William A. Coyle > No Company >WCOYLE@DELPHI.COM >No School >N30GH > No Time > > "Any man who gives up long term freedom for short > term safety deserves neither freedom > nor safety." Benjamin Franklin > > > >A.R.R.L, Mobile Sixers,TRiARC,N.R.A. >=================================================== > Sheesh, what a waste of humanity and bandwidth. You are all a bunch of JERKS. Liberals are dumb enough to think they can successfully legislate anybody's inner thoughts. Or, possibly, that subtle arguments will assuage the soul of a common man. Conservatives are dumb enough to think they have some right to abuse inferior people of any strange ilk. Fortunately, (for the time being,) enough common ole Joe Blow's see both of these positions as pretty stupid. Now, Billy, in your own thoughts, you "don't HAVE to tolerate anything." I personnally don't care if you spend your waking hours in obsessed thoughts of cutting the nuts off of any man who has the "gay look." Hey, whatever turns your "crank." However, if you are dumb enough to think that you "don't HAVE to tolerate" the legal activities in public environments of another citizen simply because his lifestyle rubs you the wrong way, I will be among the first in line to laugh as you rot in jail for any attempt to deprive him of his lawful pursuits. This isn't very complicated. Either we believe in a truly responsible and free society that sets the standards for the rest of world to admire OR we are simply espousing our own brand of petty fascist state. Sorry for this interuption... Bye... Ted.. ------------------------------ Date: 29 Oct 1994 03:11:08 GMT From: (Bill Sohl Budd Lake) Subject: exploring the internet Howard Goldstein (imotion@iu.NET) wrote: : Scott Erlich said: In reference to a request that Scott make copies of his internet articles available by FTP or some other internet distribution method he (Scott) said: : >First, that would by copyright infringment. That's only true if you no longer are the copyright holder. (i.e. if when you contracted to provide the articles, you agreed to surrender the copyright to the publisher). > Second, I want people to : >actually read the article in the magazine or as a reprint. There are : >some nice examples and sidebars you would be missing if it were posted here. Great strides are being made with graphical presentation over the Internet. Presumably, as an internet guru (that's a compliment not a sarcastic remark) you've probably already seen Mosaic information sites which could be a great way to make your articles available. : >Neither I nor anyone else can stop someone from doing this, but I : >certainly won't. Certainly, no one should do that unless they have permission from the copyright holder. : >Believe me. The series is worth reading in the magazine or in reprint form. : >The responses I've already received have proven that point. How about sharing some of those responses that may be of interest to us in this newsgroup from the ham radio perspective? : Too bad someone can't convert the articles to html,, sidebars and all : through links, and put it on your nice www server. Oops, I posted my mosaic comments above before getting to this comment. Cheers, -- Bill Sohl K2UNK ( Budd Lake, New Jersey ------------------------------ Date: 31 Oct 1994 16:48:22 +1100 From: (Paul Rodenhuis) Subject: Icom 730 pre-amp prob My old (10yrs plus) IC730-S has a problem with the pre-amp. If I switch it in, it acts as a 99dB attenuator. As the act of switching it in has an effect, I assume the switch is OK (but then again, maybe only half of it is). The other conclusion is an IC or transistor in the preamp. Anyone had this experience, and any suggestions. paulr -- | Paul Rodenhuis | Database Administration | Information Services Branch | | NSW Public Works Dept | | +61-2-372-7037 FAX 7022 | | VK2AHB@VK2XY Home +61-2-449-9212 Fax +61-2-449-7827 | Mobile 018-647-364 | ------------------------------ Date: 31 Oct 1994 06:37:35 GMT From: (Joe Gervais ) Subject: Looking for Mac Logging Programs In article , (Marc Buchner) wrote: > > Hi, > I'm been looking for Mac logging programs and to date have only found > MacContest in my internet wanderings. Unfortunately, the program crashes on I've been writing a Mac logging program for personal use, hadn't realized there may be a total lack of them. If they really are that scarce, I'd consider cleaning mine up and releasing it to the Net ($5 shareware or something). What would everyone want to see as far as features? At the moment I plan to add sort/report features (always thought it would be nice to be able to print all QSO's with VE's between a certain date...). This is a very serious request. Let me know what's on your wish list. The Holidays are fast approaching, after all. I write code for a living, so you could expect more than a quick hack job. More like a long hack job. :) 73 de KD6PRD, -Joe "QRP means never having to tell the neighbors you're sorry." ------------------------------ Date: 28 Oct 1994 17:00:42 GMT From: (Hank Oredson) Subject: NoCal OO goes after Packet BULLetins In article <>, (Steve Wolf) writes: |> |> The point is being missed. Are packet bulletins addressed to either |> "all" or a like form of "all" (MUSIC, SEWING, CRAFTS, NAFTA, etc.) |> indeed informational bulletins? |> |> Is there a difference between: |> |> 1. My tuning in a W1AW transmission and listening to an ARRL bulletin. |> 2. My tuning in a packet BBS station and reading an ARRL bulletin. 1. You listen, you are NOT in QSO with anyone. 2. You CONNECT, and are in QSO with the BBS. 1. W1AW has NO CLUE that you are listening. 2. You BBS KNOWS you are connected, and that the two calls are in QSO. This really cannot be so difficult to understand? ... Hank -- Hank Oredson @ Mentor Graphics Library Operations Internet : "Parts 'R Us!" Amateur Radio: W0RLI@W0RLI.OR.USA.NOAM ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Oct 1994 21:19 From: CSMSCST@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU (Chris Thomas) Subject: Soldering iron - how hot? With the availability of temperature controlled and lately, digitally selectable tip temperature soldering irons, what temperature should I use for common operations like working on printed circuit boards or soldering RG-8 coax connectors? -- 73 de Chris Thomas, AA6SQ (ex-WA6HTJ) (CSMSCST@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU) ------------------------------ Date: 30 Oct 1994 15:50:52 GMT From: (Demetre Koumanakos) Subject: Space Shuttle on HF ? CQ Netters... While SWListenning, I found myself on 6.730 Mhz USB, and I heard an American accented man identify himself as "Two Nine Thousand", there was noise on his background as if he was in an aircraft, and his mike had a blip roger similar to those used by aviation radios ! Another American accented man replied "we have a clear contact, there is QRM on 127, stay here untill we are on the go" For the next couple of minutes the first voice tested his mike "This is Two Nine Thousand 1,2,3,3,2,1" and the other would reply "clear" The two stations made a QSY to 6.731 Mhz USB, and continued to test their contact, at some point I lost them both, I searched around a bit and found them again on 6.738 Mhz USB, when I heard the following, "Andrews this is 2.9000", lot's of QRM followed, "Skyking this is a confirmation, do not reply", more QRM, "Conditions are Blue", even more QRM, "Andrews on 6.738", and from then on lot's of QRM with sporadic messages using the phonetic alphabet and numbers. The signal of "Two Nine Thousand" was 9+20/5 and of "Andrews" 7/5 Does anyone know what the above was ?? A friend told me it could have been the Space Shuttle, it made sence for a bit due to the name "Andrews" that was used, also the blip roger did remind me of the one I have heard from famous to all of us Apollo moon landing film footage, and the fact that they should be in space at about now, but then again what would the space shuttle be doing in HF ?? Does anyone know was it that I heard ??????? Please reply via e-mail 73's ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Oct 1994 12:43:41 -0400 From: (John E. Taylor III) References<389n39$> , <38ianj$> Subject: Re: NoCal OO goes after Packet BULLetins In article <38ianj$>, (Todd Little) wrote: > |>They also said they did not know and referred him to the FCC and asked him > |>to "let them know what the FCC says." (I don't know who I was at HQ that > |>said this, but it sure does not sound like a good idea to me). So, > |>Fred started corresponding with the FCC. The results he got were right > |>out of Part 97. > > Why was this even brought up to the FCC? We're supposed to be self-policing > and have been generally given a fair amount of latitude by the FCC. Asking > them is like holding up a red flag and saying, "Don't *you* think this is > prohibited?" or "Isn't this what you meant by broadcasting?". What better way to get an official ruling that somebody is not permitted to do what _you_ don't want them to do. -- John Taylor (W3ZID) | "The opinions expressed are those of the | writer and not of Rohm and Haas Company." ------------------------------ Date: 30 Oct 1994 00:54:42 -0400 From: (Glen Johnson) References<380lri$> <380rrs$gfh@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU>, Subject: Re: Earth Ground (was: ARRL And Gay Hams Settle Complaint) : N30GH What kind of callsign is this? Do you have a ham license? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Oct 1994 13:03:02 -0400 From: (John E. Taylor III) References <38gsj8$>, <> Subject: Re: Guess What I did Saturday! In article <>, (Gary Coffman) wrote: > In article <38gsj8$> (David Jenkins) writes: > >In , (Scott Darragh) writes: > >> .... . -.-- .. .--. .- ... ... . -.. -- -.-- -.-. --- -.. . - .... > >>... ... .-- . . -.- . -. -.. .-.-.- .. . ...- . -. .... .- -.. -- -.-- > >>...-. .. .-. ... - -.-. --- -. - .- -.-. - .-.-.- -.-- --- ..- - .... --- > >>...- > >>--. - .. .-- .- -. - . -.. .- .-. .- -.. .. --- -... . ..-. --- .-. . > > Scott said, "HEYIPASSEDMYCODETHISWEEKEND.IEVENHADMYFIRSTCONTACT.YOU > THOUGHTIWANTEDARADIOBEFOREHOWYOUTHINKIFEELNOW.IGOTMYFIRSTCONTACTFROM > CALLINGCQ.IGUESSIWASNTBASHFUL.IAMTOTALLYLOOKINGFORWARDTOGETTINGACWR > ADIO.SCOTT > > Some of us can read it better than we can hear it. That's what old > Sammy Morse had in mind when he built his telegraph. I would get out > a port rule and rip off a reply, but ASCII is so much nicer, so... Gary, It's becoming clear why you're not fond of Morse got off to a bad start and learned it the wrong way (i.e., visually). But for that, you'd probably be enjoying 40-wpm cw conversations. ;-) -- John Taylor (W3ZID) | "The opinions expressed are those of the | writer and not of Rohm and Haas Company." ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #1174 ******************************